JET Drilling Headquarters in Signal Hill, CA

Performs many environmental and geotechnical drilling tasks such as: hollow stem auger borings, mud rotary, monitoring well installation, development and abandonment and slope inclinometers in a small space. Propane powered so fumes are not a problem. Rig dimensions: 5.5’ wide, 11’ long, 7.5’ towered down and 11.5’ towered up. Carried on a rollback truck, can back up and offload directly on loading docks.

New low emission trucks, new tier 3 low emissions AQMD certified deck engine. These rigs perform environmental and geotechnical drilling tasks such as: hollow stem auger borings, mud rotary drilling, rock coring, monitoring well installation, development and abandonment, slope inclinometers. Our CME 55 (not pictured) also has angle boring abilities.

JET Drilling offers multiple rigs for all of your drilling needs. We offer hollow stem auger rigs, truck mounted as well as track mounted. Our rigs are equipped with both auto trip hammers as well as wire line hammer systems. All rigs have on board pumps. We have drills on 4x4 carriers as well as angle drills availble. We offer mud rotary drills that have auto trip hammers as well as wire line. Geoprobe for your direct push needs as well as air knife/potholing rigs. Our fleet includes: Self contained decontamination units, support vehicles with lift gates and water tanks, pickup trucks, small coring machine. Our CME 75’s are mounted on new, low emission trucks with new Tier 3-4 AQMD certified deck engines.